1 Indian man’s election voted inadvertently to choose the wrong party.And then chopped his index finger.

Life 1 Indian man’s election voted inadvertently to choose the wrong party.And then chopped his index finger.
2019-05-07 13:51:31 ·
The Indian parliamentary election is currently in full swing, and an Indian guy who missed the vote has drawn attention on the Internet: unlike other people, he found out that he accidentally chose the wrong party. Unexpectedly rubbing your fingers. This somewhat extreme Indian guy is called Pawan Kumar. He said that he wanted to vote for a regional party when he voted at a polling station in Uttar Pradesh, India on the 18th, but many symbols appearing on the voting machine made him confused. “I want to vote for ‘elephant’, but I mistakenly chose ‘flower’,” Kumar said in a video shot. He refers to the party symbol displayed on the voting machine next to each candidate's name. The Indian ruling party, the BJP, is marked by lotus, while the elephant pattern represents the Public Socialist Party (BSP). Foreign media said that the symbolic patterns of various political parties in India played an important role in Indian elections, and they were easily identified in many places where the country's literacy rate was low. After completing the vote, each voter's index finger will have traces of non-fading ink. Kumar said that after realizing that he made a mistake, he chose to lick his index finger. He was subsequently taken to the hospital and discharged soon after receiving treatment.
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